Decoys And Calls

Decoys And Calls

If you're hoping to lure birds to a particular spot, pigeon and bird decoys will definatley help, as they encourage birds to think the area is safe. Modern decoys like the enforcer pigeon decoys are well-priced, durable, light, well-coloured, and easy to repaint and repair. Exact colours are not necessary, but it is worth taking the shine off new decoys. Correct layout and imparting motion to decoys will improve results in a much better way. There are no real rules in setting out decoys, but remember, ducks will not land among decoys. They will often land outside of them, so its good to keep the decoys in close proximity. Alternatively, split your decoys into two groups with a clear gap between and allow space, so they are not touching, one metre apart is normally good.

Using Duck Calls

Duck calls will also improve your success rate. Good calling is not difficult but requires a little practice. Its worthwhile spending time listening to ducks and watching duck behaviour outside the season. It can help to tune your ear to duck calls. Don't call too much; just a few quacks will often get their attention which is all you need. Bradford Stalker stock a wide range of decoys and calls to cover all your needs when out in the field. If you do have any questions about our products and how they can benefit you, then please drop us a line via the contact form.

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